As a disclaimer, EnvisionCo Blog is reader-supported. Some links on this site are for additional informational purposes whereas some others are affiliate links (don't worry, these will be clearly marked as such). When you click through an affiliate link on our site and sign-up for a service or finalize a purchase, we may earn affiliate commissions. This of course is at no additional cost to you. Additionally, EnvisionCo Blog is for informational and educational purposes only and is in no way intended to be a substitute for financial advice by a registered certified financial planner, medical advice by a qualified physician, or therapy by a trained mental health professional.
The song on the radio has told you that this is the most wonderful time of the year. It goes on to tell you that the kids are jingle belling and everyone's telling you to be of good cheer. In fact, the second verse tells you it is the happiest season of all. Yet as a therapist and mental wellness coach, I am here to tell you that for many people, this is the hardest, most depressing time of the year. In fact, they secretly loathe this time of the year. Hey, we listen over here, we don't judge.
One may assume that we as humans are creatures that are built to be happy. The interesting thing is, we truly are not wired for happiness. Songs such as, "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year," hits hard for some people because it leaves them feeling "othered." They question what is wrong with them and why they can't flow into the good happy feelings of this time of year. They wonder or question why happiness can't come automatic for them like it seems to do for so many others this time of the year. If this is you, please know, you are not as alone as you may think. People are less happy than they ever have been. According to data from the 2021-2022 Healthy Minds Study, in the United States, around 40% of college students report being too depressed to function most days (Healthy Mind Study). In 2021, an estimated 14.5 million U.S. adults aged 18 or older had at least one major depressive episode with severe impairment in the past year. Adults over the age of 65 made up 16 percent of all suicide deaths in 2004 (Mental Health America). Between the months of November and January, about 41% of individuals said their stress increases during the holiday season. While 36% said the holidays feel like a competition thus making it difficult for them to enjoy this season (American Psychological Association).

In order for us to feel happier, there is a harsh truth that we have to come to terms with. Our mind kind of lies to us. We end up going for certain things that we think are going to make us happy but they don't make us as happy as we thought they would. This happens to so many of us during the holiday season. The catchy tunes, the beautiful lights and decorations, the smiles and greetings. These things would seem to be the perfect thing to uplift our moods and bring in happiness. But then they don't. Then we start comparing ourselves with others and we begin to think we don't measure up. And we feel broken, like something is wrong with us. So what do we do to bring happy to ourselves especially during the holiday season?
He's Making a List and Checking it Twice

I'm talking about your schedule here. Burnout out can really affect how you feel about yourself and others. Being overwhelmed with obligations will not lead to any measure of happiness. Are you trying to balance too many activities? Yes the many parties and gift exchanges can be exciting or can be nerve wrecking even for the most social of social butterflies. Have you taken a serious look at your holiday schedule over the coming weeks? Do you find yourself questioning how you are going to fit everything in? If so, that is a huge sign to check that list twice and make a hard line on what things you can reasonably participate in and which things that you are going to have to grant yourself permission to respectfully decline.
All I want for Christmas is You
There is no shortage of excitement and stress when you are the host of any holiday gathering. There's the frantic Christmas shopping, the stress of menu planning, hours spent in the kitchen cooking and baking or organizing catering, the delicate art of wrapping gifts, the joy (and sometimes chaos) of decorating the tree. Often times when we are the host, we set high standards for ourselves, aiming to create a perfect event. There is nothing wrong with wanting your guests to be comfortable and enjoying themselves; but that should not be at the expense of you being miserable. Because at the end of the day, all your loved ones want is you. You are the special, secret ingredient to a joyful occasion. Recognizing this can do much in the way of bringing a little bit more happy and calm back to your holiday season.
Grace unmeasured, love untold

The holidays can be a lonely time especially for those who struggle with any form of social anxiety, lost someone close to them to death, or have religious or holiday trauma. In times like this, staying connected may look a little different for you. Maybe the holiday parties are just too much. This does not mean you have to be relegated to aloneness, stuck at home in bed with the covers over your head. Volunteer activities keep people moving and thinking at the same time. Volunteering reduces stress and increases positive, relaxed feelings by releasing dopamine. Volunteering increases social interaction and helps build a support system based on common interests. Volunteering offers grace unmeasured, love untold in the sense that it provides us with a sense of purpose. When we are able to give of our time and talent in the areas we find meaningful it takes us out of our despairing thoughts and into grace.
The holiday season is often painted as a time of joy and celebration, but for many, it can be a season of challenge. As we wrap up, it's important to acknowledge that the holiday season is complex and deeply personal. For some, it’s filled with joy and celebration; for others, it’s a time of reflection, longing, or even dread. If this resonates with you, know that you are not alone, and there are ways to rediscover peace and meaning during this time. By reassessing your commitments, focusing on what truly matters, and finding meaningful ways to connect—whether through cherished traditions or new acts of service, you can redefine what the holidays mean for you. After all, the holidays are less about creating a picture-perfect moment and more about nurturing what truly matters: connection, compassion, and love—for others and yourself. Remember, no matter where you are on this journey, do not worry about getting it perfect; just get it going. Wishing you a holiday season filled with peace, calm, and meaningful connections. Until next time. Happy reading and Happy Holidays!
Now here's a gift for your wallets this season.
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“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.” ~Ben Carson
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