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So how are all of my kind, gentle souls doing? If you have been following along, you know we have been talking a lot about boundaries. This can be a rather uncomfortable subject for some because they love people and they love helping people. They don't want to change that part necessarily. They just want to be valued too. Afterall, no one wants to feel taken for granted, dismissed, or burdened by the weight of others' emotions. We don’t want our limits mocked or to be on the receiving end of endless apologies without real change. As we have discussed, boundaries communicate what is acceptable and what is not. We can still be helpful, reliable, and kind and still have standards of what is too much or too far. We can support friends and family in a crisis without becoming their personal ATMs. We can excuse ourselves from conversations that make us uncomfortable, or we don't have the emotional bandwidth to handle at that time. We can say we are busy even if our only plans were to lounge in our pajamas and catch up on much needed rest.
Boundaries are not about the other person or even for the other person. When we understand this we release ourselves from the prison of trying to fix others because we can clearly see that we are only responsible for fixing ourselves. We can stand in confidence and clarity of knowing who we are and what we need and set proactive boundaries rather than reactionary rules in the heat of conflict. Boundaries are for us and represent the respect that we have for ourselves and our needs. So, no more caving under pressure or overexplaining our position. Yes, by understanding and setting your boundaries, you can live with more confidence and less stress. But you may be wondering, how do I get on the road to establishing boundaries in a way that allows me to be helpful with limits and yet still be a generous and kind person?
Tip # 1 Self-care
One danger of always being there for other people is that you often take the back burner. It is so easy to forget yourself. How many meals have you skipped, sleep missed out on, or favorite activities missed because you were out taking care of someone else's needs? There is nothing wrong with being there for people. Sometimes this may require you to rearrange your schedule. However, when you do this on a consistent basis, people start to expect it of you. Do not become an afterthought in your own life. Self-care should be something you have regularly interspersed in your weekly schedule. That said, what does self-care look like for you? Is it a relaxing cup of tea? Is it settling in with your favorite book? Is it regularly going to the gym or taking a walk in your local park? Is it writing in your journal? Is it meeting weekly with a therapist or coach? Or is it having a dance party in your living room? What is it that you can do for you that helps refill your cup? When you get into the habit of doing for yourself, you begin to see yourself as a worthy commitment. When others see that self-commitment that you have, they are more likely to respect it and to respect you.
Tip # 2 Value Your Worth
People who undervalue their worth give other people permission to do the same. If you constantly put yourself last, downplay your strengths, or accept less than you deserve, people around you will follow suit. When you make the shift and begin to treat yourself like the main character in your own story—prioritizing your needs, engaging in activities that uplift your spirit and mind—you start to see yourself in a new light. When you take time for you first, you begin to see your skills, not as ordinary, but as valuable contributions. You acknowledge your accomplishments, no longer brushing them off as insignificant. Instead of feeling like a background character in life, you step into your role as someone with purpose, with a voice, with meaning. And as this awareness grows, so does the way the world responds to you. People begin to mirror the respect and value you hold for yourself.
Tip # 3 Express Your Feelings
Swallowing your true feelings after being hurt or disappointed is not you keeping peace. It is you setting the standard for how people will continue to interact with and treat you. Because too many times, silence is misconstrued as acceptance. If you take to not voicing your feelings, you are basically telling others that their actions were okay. Your feelings are very much valid and deserve to be heard. Yes, it can be uncomfortable, but expressing your emotions honestly can drastically change how people treat you. When you practice self-care, engaging in activities that affirm your worth; nurture your mind; and strengthen your emotional well-being, you develop the courage to communicate openly. You begin to understand that your feelings are not an inconvenience, but a reflection of your inner truth. Expressing yourself isn’t about conflict; it’s about clarity. It’s about teaching others how you deserve to be treated.
At the heart of it all, boundaries are an act of self-respect. They are not about shutting people out but about making space for yourself within your own life. When you practice self-care, recognize your worth, and express your feelings with confidence, you set a standard—not just for how others treat you, but for how you treat yourself. You become more than just a giver; you become a person who gives from a place of abundance rather than depletion. And the beautiful thing is, when you show up for yourself, you also show up more fully for those around you.
So, as you move forward, ask yourself: Am I making choices that honor my needs? Am I speaking my truth without fear? Am I valuing myself as much as I value others? If the answer isn’t a resounding yes, now is the time to start. Because you deserve the same kindness, love, and respect that you so freely give to others. And it all begins with you. Please remember wherever you are on this journey, do not worry about getting it perfect; just get it going. Until next time. Happy reading!
Speaking of boundaries, make it your personal financial boundary to yourself to no longer rely on one income source....
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"Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option." ~Maya Angelou
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